Going further


Probably the book I have learned the most from:

It is very precise and detailed, but it is not without its problems. It is extremely goal oriented and people can get really stuck in wanting to progress (I was one of them), instead of just enjoying the benefits that meditation gives them.

The book also claims to be a direct path to enlightenment, but you have to wonder what kind of enlightenment. The author has been removed from the board of the Dharma Treasure Retreat Center because "He has not followed the upasaka (layperson) precepts of sexual harmlessness, right speech, and taking what is not freely given."

So, an amazing book, but from just another human being.


If you have internet, and you seem to do, then you can be taught by some of the best teachers in the world. A lot of their teachings are recorded and freely accesible to everyone.

My two places to go:

  • AudioDharma: At AudioDharma the main speaker is Gil Fronsdal. Some of the stories we use in the Beginners' Course come from him. He has "Series Talks" on different subjects like "Introduction to Meditation" and "Lovingkindness - Metta", all of them are highly recommended. When you chose one, make sure it fits where you currently are in the practice.

  • DharmaSeed: Has a crazy amount of teachers and talks. You can find teachers like Sharon Salzberg there, an expert in Loving Kindness. And Rob Burbea, also an amazing teacher, but he mostly offers advanced stuff. There is so much material at DharmaSeed, it is easy to get lost in all the wisdom :)

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