Homework - Week 2

Meditate every day for 10-15 minutes

The main goal of this week is to integrate the "four-step transition" and "following the breath" into your daily meditation practice.

If you need a recap of this weeks topics, please check out:

For more about awareness check out:

Informal meditation: eating with attention

At the beginning of every major meal, do the following:

  • Take five seconds to clear your mind.

  • Take five seconds to smell the food.

  • Eat your first bite with full attention. Restricting your attention to the sensations in the mouth. Specifically focussing on taste and mouthfeel.

  • Every time you wander off, kindly return your attention.

  • It really helps to put down your spoon/fork/knife while you are chewing and tasting.

Drop-in Guided Meditation

We organize guided meditations on a weekly basis—they are the perfect support during the course. The guides share their own practice when they're guiding—they're literally meditating out loud. This allows you to compare your own practice and see if you're remembering all the steps correctly.

Watch the Inside Out trailer or movie

This is essential knowledge for our next session.

Last updated